June 01, 2012 and I made another trip out to California to see my family once again. After having been out west three time last year, 2011 (or was it four times?) I thought I would take a break and not go out there this year, 2012. Especially since they are coming this way for a summer vacation in July. More on that later.
Well, my oldest grandson is graduating from grade eight so how could I pass up such a monumental occasion as that?? Steven is such a special young man to me in so many ways and in so many memories that I couldn't resist a surprise visit to Lodi.
I love all my family so much so it doesn't take much of an excuse for me to jump on the plane and visit them. Now that the other grandchildren are coming up to that age soon, will I be able to keep up with the travels forth and back?????? I'm not sure, but probably so..........
For the second time in a couple of years I was able to surprise them with shock and awe when I arrived. I depended on my son Matt to pick me up at the airport in Sacramento and when we arrived back in Lodi and I knocked on Scott and Lisa's door, I was thrilled as always to hear the screams of excitement and jumps of joy when they saw me standing on their step.
I am so thrilled with the accomplishments of Steven, and all my grandchildren for that matter, in their scholastic endeavours as all of them are excelling in their studies and goals.
Now that "Mom" will be their teacher as home schooling takes over this year, I pray that God will bless them even more as their life goes on.
Steven, I know that God has a special plan for you in your life and I deem it a privilege and an honour to be an influence in your life. May God bless you richly!!!!!!! Congratulations as you head into your high school years!!!!!!