A couple of years ago I bought a new laptop and retired the old desktop computer that was more than an antique. It served its purpose alright but was so slow and starting to get noisy again. The new laptop sat very unobtrusively in the middle of my desk because it was so small, even though the old computer was still hooked up and ever present. But I did notice that every once in a while I had to push a few things aside on the desk whenever I sat down there.
Now fast forward to a couple of months ago when all of a sudden I noticed that even
I could hardly even get into the office (a 7 by 9 foot entry room off the living room). Where did all this stuff come from? Why are there so many stacks and piles of paperwork on the floor, and getting higher and higher? The desk was overrun with clutter, The file cabinet had almost as much
on it as
in it. The two bookcases in the room were spilling their contents out onto the floor just adding to the mess already in the room. I realized I have been doing a lot of cleaning out these past couple of years but why is “stuff” still getting in my way? I guess that every time I start cleaning in another room, the room next to it becomes the staging area. It seems like I am just chasing myself around the house as I try to de-clutter one room at a time.
In the process of cleaning out my “stuff” these past couple of years, I ran across an old photograph of when I was setting up the office as a computer room with my first computer. WOW! What a clean and organized room! Nothing extra on the desk and nothing on the floor either. Will I ever have an office like that again? That picture was motivation enough for me to get busy and organize my office. Now that my old desktop computer is gone, the carpet in the room is gone, the extra bookcases are gone and much of the clutter on the desk is gone, how long will it take until my desk is cluttered again?
Maybe this photograph of my "new" office will motivate me keep it that way!!!