Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I have been taking inventory of my life and the way I live. What I am finding is that there is a lot of clutter in my life. Life produces “stuff”. What does a person do with all this “stuff”? And by stuff, I mean things that one can really live without. Usually all these “stuffs” are things that are hardly ever used. So what to do? Do you give it all away? Do you just set it out on the curb for the garbage truck? Do you take time to find someone that can really use it? Do you just pile it up in the basement or garage like all the other “trophies” in life waiting until we might be able to use it?  Right now I am asking myself, "why I'm asking so many questions", when after all, it's “just stuff” and doesn't really amount to anything of value anyway.

We all know what God has to say about these “Worldly Possessions” don't we? Yes, in the end they will all burn up and none of it will count for our salvation or our justification. And yes, God did give us things to enjoy and to use so don't get me wrong.  Don't  think that I am saying that we all need to go back to living like our pioneer forefathers did either........................
But, by the way.............................., how did they get by with so little?

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