Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Four days of living in my fish house on the ice of Devils Lake this last week of January, 2012 was one of the most enjoyable experiences I have had in quite a while. The peace, the quiet, watching the snow fall and then blow into drifts across the lake. I don't need to go far to enjoy God's wonderful creation and enjoy the LIFE here in DAKOTA !

I realize that some people wouldn't think that spending several days sitting on top of twenty inches of ice which is floating on forty feet of water is anything but enjoyable. But as I have always said, “I love the challenge of something different and new experiences”. Especially when it involves the outdoors!!

I might have had a different outlook if I had been out there last year (or the past several years for that matter) since it was such a severe winter those years. But this year has been so nice and mild. Yes, I thank God for blessing me with being able to enjoy the solitude and beauty of his wonderful creation.

1 comment:

  1. Catching up with your posts and smiling .... thanks Keith.
