Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Belt?????

I don't mean to be bragging or boastful but rather to give thanks to Creator God for the encouragement he has given me through my blessed family and my many friends.  For the past nine months I have purposed to get back down to the weight at which I feel most comfortable.  So far I have met two of my goals and wondering now whether I should shoot for my high school weight!!!!!

When my health was threatened by the excess poundage that I found and held onto over the past couple of years,  I had no choice.  I recently had another major physical (thanks to Medicare which I am now on) and was found to be on the road to good health with a re-newed spring in my step. 

Yes, I suppose a new belt is in order since I am running out of space for new holes!!!

NOW THIS IS REALLY EMBARRASSING ! ! I thought I'd look through my picture file to find a before photo to use as a comparison to the photo that I took today. I found one of me at work taken in August of 2010, six months before I started taking care of myself. I really hesitated posting it. But since I will NEVER look like this again, here it is.......UFFDA ! ! !

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