Friday, March 30, 2012


First of all, I am not an interior decorator nor the son of an interior decorator.  But I want to make my new living room with my "uncovered" original (cir. 1950) straight grain fir wood floors have a "punctuation mark" --Yuppie speak for "punch" according to the PBS program This Old House . 

I have asked numerous friends and acquaintances alike, "What colour should I paint my walls now?"  I guess I have determined that most of my friends are not interior decorators either.  But I still respect any ideas that they may have.  So I am throwing my question out to my blog readers (all six of you):  What suggestions do you have for the colour I should paint my living room walls?

A friend gave me a left-over paint can that she used on her walls.  It is a neutral brown colour and I "splashed' a little on my wall to see what it looks like.  I was a little disappointed in the look because it looked a little boring.  This photo makes it look like the wall is blue but actually it is white.  I'm not sure if the brown is too neutral but I think that a little more punch, like gold or a darker colour would be better.  Any ideas?  I am open to suggestions.


  1. I think the reason this color looks bland to you, and also why the white appears gray, is because now your floor is such a warm color. If you want to do a neutral color like tan, you need to go just a bit darker and more into the warmer tones (more of an orange undertone than a blue undertone). OR you could be really bold and paint a color, but you'd have to decide what color you like well enough to live with on your walls every day! Either way, I'd recommend doing exactly what you did here--get samples and paint swatches. Not only will colors look differently in the room than in a store, but at different times of the day and with different lighting!

    1. I have a couple of other colours in the goldish tones to work with. I like the idea of a darker brown neutral colour and different colours of one or two other walls? How about a green?
