Thursday, March 1, 2012


In keeping with my new theme of trying to simplify my life and reduce clutter, I have spent the last couple of weeks working in my living room.  Out with the old 1980's avocado green and gold shag carpet ! ! !  And out with the same colour scheme drapes, shears, and valance.  (What I will replace these window coverings with I still am not to suggestions ! ! ! )  I considered posting some "before" photos of the living room but after seeing these "after" photos, I just cannot look at the old living room anymore!

Underneath the carpet I found GOLD.  No, it wasn't hardwood floors.....  It was softwood floors!  Otherwise known as straight grained fir.  Yes, the floor was filled with lots of "character marks".  These "flaws" are several generations worth of life.  How did all these marks, dents, and scratches get there?  Who knows and who cares ! ?   In a house that is almost as old as I am, whatever defects one may find are totally acceptable with me.  Just like I hope that my friends may find my defects acceptable.

The floor had been varnished when it was new but after many, many years of being covered with carpet, the pad underneath had left its marks, so I proceeded to wash the floor with mineral spirits first, then with soap and water.  After a loving application of hand applied paste wax,  the shine shone through and lovingly smiled back at me for bringing back the most natural look that any floor can have.  I trust my new floor loves being exposed to a "new life" as much as I love having it as part of my NEW LIFE. 

I also eliminated a lot of the furniture that was in my living room.  After all, if one is trying to simplify one's life, then why have so much furniture that it just clutters up the place?   Next?  To paint the wall with an appropriate colour.  Again, Open to suggestions....... 


  1. The floor looks absolutely gorgeous, Keith! And all the little nicks you spoke of give it character. I love it. And I'm a big fan of natural sunlight, so if it were my house I'd put up blinds that will give privacy at night but let in plenty of sunshine during the day. We, too, de-cluttered and love the open feel. Looking forward to more pics.

    Kathy Lorentzen Mulkey (have to post as anonymous because my Google acct. is screwed up)

    1. Kathy, why do I need be concerned about privacy at night? I have, on average, four cars pass by in a week's time day and night! Thanks for your comments....

  2. Wow, it's so much brighter in there without the carpet! What beautiful floors!
