Saturday, March 10, 2012


Could it really be spring time in North Dakota?   After all, it's only March 10th, 2012.  But here I am, sitting out by my fire pit (without a fire)  under a clear blue sky in the middle of the afternoon of March.  It is so warm that I could be sitting here getting a suntan...  (Good thing there is no one here to  take a picture of that, eh?)

I raised my flag on the flagpole for the first time this year after I washed my car on my driveway.  I parked my fish house under  the pine trees which means that the ice fishing season is over for  this year.  Even though we can still get a snow storm in the month of May, the Game and Fish Dept. has advised us to remove our fish houses from the lakes because the ice is deteriorating fast.  Right now, I am starting to look forward to what is in store for the summer months.  Will I be having company this summer that will be taking up my time with fishing and camping??????

Stay tuned for that, as I am really looking forward to what God has in store for me this summer with visits from my family and enjoying His great creation!!!!!!!!!

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