Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Last evening I called my friend and it turned out that we had both been cutting grass all day and had both just come in (all dusty and dirty) from the chores of the day.  It had been a nice day in that there was no rain and the clouds that persisted all day kept the temperature very reasonable.  As we talked on the phone, I noticed that the sunshine was starting to poke through the clouds and the sky was brightening up.  It was then that I decided to go out for my evening walk.

As I walked out the door I noticed a darker cloud to the south but the sky above was so inviting that I just knew I would have a nice walk.  I got about a half block away when all of a sudden--KABOOM!!  Then a rumble in the distance.  A little farther down the street I thought I felt something hit my head.  (It doesn't take much for me to feel something hit my head these days!)  Oh well, what's a drop or two as I walk around town.  At first it was just a drop or two.  But the drops were HUGE.  I thought it was hail when it first started coming down but they were soft so it couldn't be that.

It was about three block away as I continued my walk that I noticed that the dark cloud was getting closer and the very large spots (from the huge rain drops) on the dusty street were getting closer together.  A little farther down the street the sky finally opened up, just as I noticed a neighbour driving around the corner.  I was offered a ride home, but why should I?   I was wet now!  When I got closer to home, I noticed some other neighbours peering out of their garden shed.  They were taking refuge in the shed until the rain let up.  I walked across their yard and chatted with them until it stopped raining, all the time thinking how nice that hot shower was going to feel when I got home.

Thank you Lord, for your wonderful creation, the refreshing rain, and the friends that you bring into my life.   

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