Sunday, October 30, 2011

My "TECHI" Grandson

Steven is my technical computer go-to guy. I wish I had a tenth of the knowledge he has when it comes to anything technical, whether it's computer, phone, camera, games, or you name it. Of course all the other kids know their way around the chips and screens as well.

On this January 2011 trip he convinced me that I need an ipod. At this point I can't even remember what the reasons for having one were, but at the time it sounded good to me. So the two of us went shopping for it one day and he couldn't wait to get home and teach me how to set it up.

Yes, I had a very difficult time prying it out of his hands. After all, the one I just bought was a generation 4 and his was only a generation 3!!!!!

I still don't know a fraction of what I can do with it but every time I visit out there I learn even more about it from one or all of the kids. It keeps my brain working for sure.

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