Monday, October 31, 2011

A North Dakota Piano

When I first moved to North Dakota I bought an old abandoned church building across the street from my house with the purpose of using it as my woodworking shop. Inside the church was the old original upright grand piano. This church was sitting empty and unheated for ten or fifteen years before I bought it and I only put heat on occasionally whenever I had some project to do in the winter months. Even when it was used as a church it's hard telling how often the temperature remained constant. In the summer months the building would get really hot inside because of the high ceilings, not to mention the fact that the building is well over one hundred years old. I don't know much about pianos but every once in a while I would open it up and plunk away at it. At times someone would come over who knew how to play and made the comment that it didn't sound too bad.

A few years ago when my daughter was out here visiting, told me that Abby would like to start taking piano lessons. That motivated me to load it up into my cargo trailer when I had to haul a bunch of stuff out to California anyway. We moved it into Scott and Lisa's house and Abbs got signed up for lessons. Even the teachers commented on how nice it sounds and that it really wasn't that far out of tune.

One of my highlights whenever I visit out there is to sit and listen to her practice. She is not only doing really well at playing but seems to really enjoy it too.     I KNOW THAT I SURE DO!!!!

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