Monday, October 24, 2011

A New Blog

I have decided to start a new blog.  What motivated me to do this?  Well, I enjoyed writing my old blog and now there have been so many new things happening to me in my life that I feel like carrying on anew.  I don't want these writings to be a "bragging" thing but rather a history, a legacy, or a journal of what is going on with me up here that I can pass on to my family and friends. 

The biggest struggle I had was coming up with a new title.  I knew that part of the title had to be something to do with where I live:  North Dakota.  I was born in North Dakota and my heart has always been here.  When I lived elsewhere throughout my life I always had the desire to move back here.  I had several opportunities throughout my life to do just that but now that I have finally moved back I know that this is where I belong.  My writings will consist of what is going on with me here in Dakota and my experiences.  SO HANG ON!!  Because, as a very good friend of mine says, "THE RIDE MIGHT GET PRETTY WILD!!!!!"

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