Saturday, October 29, 2011

Winter in California

On this visit to California (January 2011) I stayed with my son because the last couple of visits in years past I had stayed with my daughter and family. I am always so thankful that both of them are willing to put me up whenever I visit.

One of the highlights of visiting this time was the routine of picking up the kids after school.   It amazes me how well they love school and all the activities that they are involved in. One afternoon we were waiting for Hope to show up at to the car and she wasn't there which was unusual for her. Then Leo said, “Oh, she must be on Safety Patrol today.” Like I said, the kids just love to be involved in school activities.

I was also privileged on this visit to be able to watch my grandson work out at his Taekwondo class. It always does my heart good to see how much the kids pour their hearts into their work.

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