Thursday, April 19, 2012


Why do most people think that I love to fish?  Is it because I talk about fishing a lot?  Is it because I have a fishing boat, an ice fishing hut, a vast selection of fishing rods, two or three tackle boxes (or is it four or five tackle boxes?),  and all the goodies, bells and whistles that go along with fishing?  Or could it be because I simply love to fish???

My eight year old grandson, who is now being home schooled, has long ago picked up on the fact that fishing is a priority with me (He and all of my other grandchildren have come to the same conclusion, of course).  If any of you readers have been following my daughter's blog with regard to the new educational endeavours at their home, you will readily see that eight year old "D" is really enjoying school at home, and it sounds like brother and sister are looking forward to next year when they too will join in.

"Teacher" has been giving him writing skills assignments and when those assignments are finished he sends them to various recipients.  I have been so very blessed by receiving a couple of these worksheets now and his latest work has been a special blessing to me. 

I can just visualize that when D was presented with this particular worksheet and the accompanying art work, he must have thought of me and the reputation that precedes me.  Excellent work young man!!!!   Your penmanship is great!  Your memorization material is life giving!  And your artwork is the best of all!!!!!!  Keep up the good work and remember that Papa is always praying for all of you......

(Remember, you can enlarge these pictures by clicking on them.)

1 comment:

  1. D was very happy to read this, and see his picture on your blog! And you're right, as soon as he saw the page he KNEW it had to go to Papa!!!
