Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lego My Boy ! !

And then there's Danny!! What a guy! I am so blessed by him because of his enthusiasm and energy. He is so much like his cousin Leo in that they have such a love of weapons including swords, lasers and light sabers. He has a vast knowledge of anything Star Wars related. This includes toys, books, movies, games, and Legos. I have a bit of knowledge of Lego toys from years past but I am of the Tinker Toy and Erector Set era. Any of those toys takes a measure of engineering and mechanical skills to work with. This little guy has all those qualities. Sitting on the floor with him watching him build space ships and transporters out of Lego parts makes me wonder and visualize what he will be doing as his life progresses.

Will he be an engineer? A scientist? An astronaut? I know one thing for sure: Whatever God calls him to be he will excel, as long as he applies himself,

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