Friday, November 11, 2011

Birthday Blessings

I must digress a bit here and talk of a day about which I had much apprehension.  MY 65th BIRTHDAY!!!!     I still find it hard to believe that I am now one of society that is on Medicare!!!   I actually never thought that day would ever come!  Furthermore, I thought that whenever I reached that age, I would be some kind of "old foogie" or something.  In reality I must thank God that I feel younger now and, as many of my friends describe me, ACT much younger than I have in the past several years.  I thank God, my family, and my really close friends for that attitude change in my life!

The main reason for that change are all the blessing that God has brought into my life.  Without God's blessings and grace, life would be quite boring and fruitless.  Starting my third year of being alone has been a real experience for me but God has sent his blessings my way time and time again.  I have been blessed by his traveling mercies of thousands and thousands of miles this year by car, RV, plane, ship and bus.  I am blessed by my family and friends, all of whom have, and continue to support me.  I am blessed by good health even though I have reached that dreaded "Medicare age".

I am blessed by a new look as well since I am loosing enough weight to warrant a new wardrobe and I am now sans beard and pony tail.  Finally, and most importantly,  God has blessed me by giving me some very good friends that he brought into my life.  Yes, I am truly blessed!!

Thanks to all of you again for your love and support.

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