Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

Autumn is, and always has been my favourite time of year. The changes in the weather. The beauty that comes in nature. The slower pace in life. The birthdays that so many of us have in the Fall of the year. And especially the time we can take to be thankful on a special day set aside for that purpose: Thanksgiving Day. I have taken some time this year to be thankful for my family who put me up (and put up with me) as I traveled so many times to visit them this year. I am thankful for all my friends that love me and give me support. I am thankful for a measure of health as I progressively get better. But I could not have all these blessings if it wasn't for the grace and mercy of our Creator God. To God goes all the thanks!

Another thing to be thankful for is the terrific weather we have been having, especially for this time of year.  As I was leaving Butte in the morning to travel to my Thanksgiving dinner I was greeted with this scene as I pulled out of town.  Try to tell me that there is no God!!!!!!  

On this Thanksgiving Day I had given some thought to traveling back to California (which would have been the fourth time this year!) to be with my family once again. As much as it would have been nice to be with family at this time of year, I just couldn't see having to travel again! Again, I am so thankful that I do have so many friends here that I was blessed to spend the day with!

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