Friday, November 18, 2011

IT'S GONE ! ! !

I hope that all of you can see from my previous posts how much my family, especially my grandchildren, mean to me.  I love my travels out west to visit with them as much as I can and I especially love it when they come up here to visit with me!!  (insert HINT here)  I will never stop saying this....... "God has blessed me over and over again.

I will be posting, in the near future, the travels that I made to California in the spring and the summer of this year, 2011. I will also give a little review later on of my trip to Canada and Alaska. So stay tuned!

In the meantime, I have been trying to upload a video to my blog but have been having no success at all and much frustration.  (Where's my techo grandson when I need him?)  But finally I got it to work, so here is the video that Steven took of me this summer, 2011, when I was visiting them in California.  I know, many of you (and I won't name names here) have been waiting, hoping, and praying for this day!!!   SO HERE IT IS!

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